Sumosave Retail Ventures Private Limited ...

Equal Employment Opportunity Policy
(Effective 1st October 2023)

Table of Contents

# Section
1 Foreword
2 Purpose of This Policy
3 Scope
4 Equal Opportunity for Persons with Disabilities
5 Facilities and Amenities
6 Posts identified for PWDs
7 Selection and Post-recruitment training for PWDs
8 Leave Policy
9 Governance Mechanism
10 Grievance Redressal Mechanism
11 Communication of this Policy
12 Registration
13 Questions about this Policy
14 Amendment of this Policy

  • 1. ForeWord

    Sumosave Retail Ventures Private Ltd (" SRVL" or " Company" or " We") wishes to uplift, promote and encourage the raw talent of persons with disabilities. These policy guidelines are in pursuance of the sole aim to protect qualified individuals from discrimination on the basis of disability in hiring, promotion, discharge, pay, fringe benefits, job training, classification, referral, and other aspects of employment. The Company is committed to treating every person in a way that allows them to maintain their dignity and independence and enjoy full and effective participation in society equally with others. We believe in integration and equal opportunity

  • 2. Purpose of this Policy

    SRVL recognizes the value of a diverse workforce. The Company is committed to providing equal opportunities in employment and creating an inclusive workplace and work culture in which all employees of the Company are treated with respect and dignity. For the Company, workforce diversity is a business imperative. We will strive to ensure that our workforce is representative of all sections of the society. In this way, we hope to be able to meet the needs of our clients and customers better thus producing business excellence.
    This Equal Employment Opportunity Policy (the"Policy") is in accordance with the provisions of the Rights of People with Disabilities (PWDs) Act, 2016 and the rules framed thereunder (collectively the"Act"). We stand committed to conforming not just to the letter but also to the spirit of the Act.
    The standards set forth in this Policy are intended to identify and reduce barriers and increase accessibility and equality in opportunities for PWDs (defined below) employed with the Company. The Company is governed by this Policy as well as the Act in its dealing with PWDs.

  • 3. Scope

    The Policy covers all PWDs. They could be job applicants, full time/part time employees, interns/trainees, contractual employees, including temporary employees. It also covers those employees who acquire disability during the course of their employment with the Company. Where relevant, it also covers employees/ staff employed by outside agencies working on our premises. This Policy also applies to all aspects of employment, be it recruitment, training, working conditions, salaries, transfers, employee benefits and career advancement. This Policy is for the benefit of personal employees with long term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairment which, in interaction with barriers, hinders his or her full and effective participation in society equally with others ("PWDs"). The Company will make reasonable accommodations for PWDs, which may include modification of policies and procedures, an adjusted work schedule, special equipment or transportation, or other job modifications which do not result in undue economic hardship to the Company.
    For the purposes of this Policy, PWDs include any person who is suffering from blindness; deafness; locomotor disability including cerebral palsy, leprosy cured, dwarfism, acid attack victims and muscular dystrophy; and autism, intellectual disability, specific learning disability and mental illness. iii. actual and potential clients, customers, suppliers, sponsors, distributors, business contacts, agents, advisers and business associates.

  • 4. Equal Opportunity for Persons With Disabilities (PWDs)

    In accordance with the provisions of the Act, it is the Company's policy to ensure that the work environment is free from any discrimination against PWDs. Further, the Company will take all reasonable actions to ensure that a conducive environment is provided to PWDs to perform their role and excel in the same. The Company will build systems and processes to ensure:
    That appropriate facilities and amenities are provided to PWDs to enable them to effectively discharge their duties in the establishment. That provision is made for an accessible environment and of availability of assistive devices as required.
    That the Human Resources Department will ensure a liaison officer for the Company ("Liaison Officer") is designated. Till the time no such Liaison Officer is designated, the company secretary/CEO of the Company shall act as the Liaison Officer to oversee the provision of required facilities / amenities to PWDs.
    That adequate grievance redressal mechanism for addressing the matters related to the employment of PWDs is available. That the Value Standards Committee as formulated under Whistle Blower Policy ("Committee") will ensure if any grievance arises and is brought up to the Committee concerning selection of PWDs for any position, training, promotion, transfer posting, leave and preference in accommodation allocation etc. is dealt with in a fair and equitable manner, free from any discrimination.
    That no opportunity is denied to PWDs, merely on the grounds of disability.

    PWDs who apply or employees who believe themselves to be covered by the Act, should contact the authorized representative of the Company. Any information obtained is voluntary, will be kept confidential, and will be used in accordance with applicable laws. Refusal to provide information will not subject an employee or applicant to any adverse treatment. Employees and applicants will be protected from coercion, intimidation, interference, discrimination or retaliation for filing a complaint or assisting in an investigation under the Act.

  • 5. Equal Opportunity for Persons With Disabilities (PWDs)

    To enable PWDs to effectively discharge their duties with the Company, without any discrimination on the grounds of their disability and to make facilities at workplace more accessible for PWDs, the Company provides for the following:
    (a) barrier free access to and from office premises
    (b) priority in attendance and other facilities, involving waiting time.

  • 6. Posts Identified for PWDs

    As an equal opportunity employer, the Company intends to ensure that PWDs should choose job positions at the Company which are best suited for their abilities. Accordingly, the Company could offer appropriate opportunities for PWDs depending on the nature of disability. Following posts may be considered for PWDs by the Company:
    (a) Cashiers;
    (b) Customer Service Associates;
    (c) Housekeeping Staff;
    (d) Office Administration

  • 7. Selection and Post-Recruitment Training for PWDs

    Once PWDs are selected for a job posting at the Company pursuant to an assessment or selection process, the Company will provide PWDs with the details of the facilities and amenities provided for at the Company premises for such PWDs.
    In our job posting/application, there shall be an option encouraging PWDs to specify their disability, in order to be treated preferentially. Once the application is assessed and found suitable, the Company shall facilitate the interview process in a manner convenient to the concerned PWD applicant.
    The Company will ensure that post-recruitment and pre-promotion training is provided to the PWDs including on the requirement and use of the accessibility standards offered to PWDs by the Company. Such training will be conducted on need basis. All employees will be provided training as and when such accessibility standards are updated as well.
    The Company will endeavour to provide preference to the PWDs in transfer and posting, in accordance with the policies of the Company.
    The Liaison Officer will supervise the recruitment process of PWDs.

  • 8. Leave Policy for PWDs

    Leaves will be granted to all employees as per the Company policies. However, in addition to the leaves mandated under such Company policies, a PWD will be entitled to additional 2 (two) days of casual leave per [financial year] in case such leave is required for purposes directly related to the PWDs disability (" PWD Leave(s)").
    PWD Leaves can be applied for by a PWD only by submitting valid prescriptions of a registered medical practitioner at least 7 (Seven) days in advance or within 1 (One) day of returning to work. In the event all PWD Leaves a PWD is entitled to, are not availed in a given financial year, the un-availed PWD Leaves will be carried forward to the next financial year.

  • 9. Governance Mechanism

    The CHRO/CEO of the Company shall be responsible for ensuring that the Company operates in compliance with the Act and fulfills the terms of this Policy.
    The Liaison Officer is responsible for:
    ✓ Implementing the action plan for making the workplace and systems accessible for PWDs by liaising with the various departments in the organization.
    ✓ Ensuring that all employees are aware of this Policy and know their duties and rights in relation to the Policy.
    ✓ Developing proactive strategies to prevent discrimination and harassment.
    All employees have the responsibility to comply with this Policy. Managers and team members need to monitor the work environment to ensure that it is free from discrimination and harassment and encourages inclusion and respect for others. All employees are encouraged to report any incidents of violation of this Policy and Managers should act promptly when concerns arise, or complaints are made.

  • 10. Grievance Redressal Mechanism

    PWDs have the right to file a complaint concerning any discrimination with the Liaison Officer who then reports to the Committee. Any Policy violation i.e. when any PWD is discriminated against or not provided with reasonable accommodation or denied access to any Company facility, will be regarded as a grievance.
    The Liaison Officer will maintain all records related to grievances, which shall contain the following, namely:
    a) the number of PWDs who are employed and the date from when they are employed;
    b) the name, gender and address of PWDs; c) the nature of disability of such persons;
    d) the nature of work being rendered by such employed PWDs; and e) the kind of facilities being provided to such PWDs.
    On learning about the grievance, the Liaison Officer and the Committee will follow the procedure of grievance redressal. On investigation, if the employee against whom the complaint has been made is found guilty of discriminatory behaviour, she/he will be subjected to disciplinary actions. Possible action taken against the employee may include a reprimand, detraction of benefits for a definite or indefinite time period, demotion, denial of promotion and suspension or termination for more serious offences. Involuntary or indirect discrimination will be resolved through training, counselling and suitable modification of procedures when required to ensure fair treatment

  • 11. Communication of this Policy

    This Policy shall be displayed on the Company's website and at a conspicuous place in the offices of the Company and shall be available to all employees.

  • 12. Registration

    This Policy would be formally registered with the appropriate authority as required under the Act.

  • 13. Questions About This Policy

    This Policy has been developed to reduce barriers and increase accessibility for PWDs in the areas of employment with the Company. If anyone has a question about the Policy, or if the purpose of the Policy is not understood, the PWD Liaison Officer can be contacted at the registered office of the Company located at 4A, Orbit Crystal, 26B Alipore Road, Kolkata - 700 027.

  • 14. Amendment of this Policy

    The Company reserves the right to amend or modify this Policy in whole or in part, at any time without notice. Modification may be necessary, among other reasons, to maintain compliance with central, state or local regulations and/or accommodate organizational changes within the Company. All employees must abide by the most updated version of the Policy.